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Version 6.4.2

  • 2019-01-19 Fixing JaxyRoutes reflections scan, restricted to your application.modules.package (jlannoy)

Version 6.4.1

  • Bumping Jetty to latest version (See CVE-2017-7658)
  • Tiny fix to allow compilation and tests to work on Mac OS X Mojave (smtp port too low)
  • 2018-11-08 Added STARTTLS support to the default Postoffice implementation (pi0tr)

Version 6.4.0

  • 2018-09-01 ForbiddenRequestException, RequestNotFoundException and i18n message keys (jlannoy)
  • 2018-09-05 Added BodyParserEngineMultipartPost (jlannoy)
  • 2018-09-09 JPA Blog archetype cleaned up (jlannoy)
  • 2018-09-09 Jetty context configuration fixed (jlannoy)
  • 2018-08-23 Updated libraries (jlannoy)
    • com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-* …………………. 2.8.1 -> 2.9.6
    • ……………………………… 19.0 -> 26.0-jre
    •* …………………. 4.1.0 -> 4.2.0
    • io.dropwizard.metrics:metrics-* ……………………… 3.1.1 -> 3.2.6
    • org.slf4j:* ……………………………………….. 1.7.21 -> 1.7.25
    • org.reflections:reflections …………………………. 0.9.9 -> 0.9.11
    • org.mindrot:jbcrypt ………………………………… 0.3m -> 0.4
    • ch.qos.logback:logback-classic ………………………. 1.1.3 -> 1.2.3
    • org.apache.httpcomponents:httpclient …………………. 4.5.2 -> 4.5.6
    • org.apache.httpcomponents:httpmime …………………… 4.4 -> 4.5.6
    • org.doctester:doctester-core ………………………… 1.1.6 -> 1.1.8
    • org.fluentlenium:fluentlenium-junit ………………….. 3.2.0 -> 3.4.1
    • org.seleniumhq.selenium:htmlunit-driver ………………. 2.26 -> 2.31.0

Version 6.3.0

  • 2018-01-29 Feature to run Ninja as console (server-less) application

Version 6.2.2

  • 2018-01-08 Fix issue where servlet container without websocket support crashes. (ra)
  • 2017-01-08 Fix copyright year issue (ra)

Version 6.2.1

  • 2017-12-13 Fixed duplicate count for timed metrics (christiangroth)
  • 2017-12-12 Added metrics.graphite.prefix property for custom graphite prefix (christiangroth)

Version 6.2.0

  • 2017-08-30 WebSockets support across Jetty standalone and any JSR-356 compatible servlet container such as Jetty 9.3.15+, Tomcat 7+, Wildfly, WebLogic, Undertow, etc. (jjlauer)
  • 2017-08-30 Automatic Ninja initialization for servlet containers. You can now omit a web.xml (jjlauer)
  • 2017-08-30 ReverseRouter supports building absolute urls (jjlauer)
  • 2017-08-22 System properties (as well as prefixed system properties) can override any configuration keys (jjlauer)

Version 6.1.0

  • 2017-04-30 Handling empty string param parsing (jlannoy)
  • 2017-05-04 fluentlenium from 0.10.3 to 3.2.0 - refer to ninja doc for backward compatibility (jlannoy)
  • 2017-05-05 Make scheduling support a feature of ninja.conf.NinjaClassicModule #572 (patrickabner)

Version 6.0.0

  • 2017-02-27 Bump Guice to version 4.1.0 #536 (ra)
  • 2017-02-23 Fix routes w/ no path params triggering NPE in some cases #565 (jjlauer)
  • 2017-02-16 Add global filtering capabilities #547 (ra)
  • 2017-01-19 Fix for parsing of Boolean into controller methods #557 (reyez)
  • 2017-02-14 Validation handler enhancements #549 (jlannoy)
  • 2017-01-06 Support for Optional in controller methods #541 (reyez)
  • 2017-01-03 Replaced Guava Optionals with Java8 Optionals (bazi)
  • 2016-12-25 Fix issue #532: return clean session instead of runtime error when session cookies can not be decrypted (bazi)
  • 2016-12-19 New ninja.ReverseRouter for validated, URL-safe reverse routing using Java 8 lambda expressions in addition to legacy Class + method name references. (jjlauer)
  • 2016-10-03 Remove async-machine-beta module (jjlauer)
  • 2016-09-29 Route using Java 8 lambda expressions (jjlauer)
  • 2016-09-20 Session signatures now explicitly use UTF-8 for String.getBytes (lishid)
  • 2016-09-01 Bump to minimum requirement of Java 8 (jjlauer)
  • 2016-09-01 jetty from 9.2.10.v20150310 to 9.3.11.v20160721
  • 2016-09-01 guava from 18.0 to 19.0
  • 2016-09-01 prettytime from 3.2.7.Final to 4.0.1

Version 5.8.0

  • 2016-08-26 Final release supporting Java 7! Future development will target Java 8+
  • 2016-08-26 jetty from 9.2.10.v20150310 to 9.2.18.v20160721
  • 2016-08-26 slf4j from 1.7.13 to 1.7.21
  • 2016-08-26 joda from 2.7 to 2.9.4
  • 2016-08-26 jackson from 2.5.1 to 2.8.1
  • 2016-08-26 commons-io from 2.4 to 2.5
  • 2016-08-26 commons-lang3 from 3.3.2 to 3.4
  • 2016-08-26 commons-email from 1.3.3 to 1.4
  • 2016-08-26 flyway-core from 4.0 to 4.0.3
  • 2016-08-26 zt-exec from 1.7 to 1.9
  • 2016-08-25 Migration module can be configured to drop schema with ninja.migration.drop property (jfendler)
  • 2016-07-24 Fix directory listing when the server running path contains whitespaces (mallowlabs)
  • 2016-07-19 Fix for request body parsing of inner objects (jlannoy)

Version 5.7.0

  • 2016-07-08 Update of the encryption class (MTDdk)
  • 2016-07-08 Security fix against DoS in Commons FileUpload (CVE-2016-3092) (suer)
  • 2016-07-04 Fixed directory listing in AssetsController (mallowlabs)

Version 5.6.0

  • 2016-04-15 Documentation for Validation enhanced (jlannoy)
  • 2016-04-15 SwissKnife converters replaced by usage of ParamParsers in BodyPostEngine (jlannoy)
  • 2016-04-15 Support for enumeration value (registration deprecated), custom types parsing and POST objects parsing (jlannoy)
  • 2016-04-08 Fixed issue #497. Capturing groups in route regex. (bazi).
  • 2016-04-08 Fixed another glitch to improve Ninja usability in Google AppEngine Environment (ra).
  • 2016-05-20 Tiny documentation improvement regarding configuration files (ra).

Version 5.5.0

  • 2016-03-06 Added silent error handle to NinjaJetty that does not print out stacktraces. Directory listing by NinjaJetty disabled (ra).
  • 2016-04-05 Improve Ninja usability in Google AppEngine Environment (ra).
  • 2016-04-04 Flyway version bump to 4.0 (nate-kingsley).
  • 2016-03-18 Improved javadoc of Cache interface (ra).

Version 5.4.0

  • 2016-02-29 New ninja.standalone.AutoStandalone class locates standalone to use based on System property, then META-INF/services, then default value of Jetty (jjlauer)
  • 2016-02-29 Reverse routing is now O(1) from O(N) by using a pre-calculated hashmap (jjlauer)
  • 2016-02-28 More flexible Ninja guice configuration! Your conf.Module can optionally extend ninja.conf.FrameworkModule to skip Ninja’s default guice bindings for its “classic” stack of Freemarker, Jackson, Cache, etc. (jjlauer)
  • 2016-02-28 New ninja.conf.NinjaClassicModule guice module to aid power users with configuring the exact set of features they want to include. (jjlauer)
  • 2016-02-28 Migration engine implementation is now configurable with property migration.engine.implementation (jjlauer)
  • 2016-02-28 Ehcache dependency can now be safely excluded if not used (jjlauer)
  • 2016-02-28 New utils.ImplFromPropertiesFactory to aid in loading your implementations from NinjaProperties. (jjlauer)
  • 2016-02-26 Removed ninja-core dependency on org.mindrot:bcrypt (it was unused) (jjlauer)
  • 2016-02-25 New RecycledNinjaServerTester in ninja-test-utilities to speed up your unit tests (jjlauer)
  • 2016-01-08 Fix Cookie domain is not set when clearing session #462

Version 5.3.1

  • 2016-01-29 Security: session and flash data save to Context instead of Result (jjlauer)
  • 2016-01-16 of Ninja applications can now get NinjaProperties injected optionally. (jlannoy)
  • 2015-12-01 Added more documentation about Freemarker templates. (jlannoy)

Version 5.3.0

  • 2016-01-11 Bump license headers to 2016 (ra)
  • 2015-12-15 Switch from to Travis CI (Cloudbees CI no longer available) (ra)
  • 2015-12-21 Basic HTTPS support for Ninja standalone & SuperDevMode (jjlauer)

Version 5.2.2

  • 2015-11-21 Bump to slf4j 1.7.13 (ra)
  • 2015-11-13 Fixed garbled parameters in multipart requests (mallowlabs)
  • 2015-10-18 Added Session.setExpiryTime() to control session expiry (watsonmw)
  • 2015-10-18 OptionalBinder for ObjectMapper and XmlMapper, so that users can easily override the default types for both of them. (amit2103/jjlauer)
  • 2015-10-09 Refactoring of ninja-servlet to extract non-servlet functionality into ninja-core to enable reuse in future non-servlet environments. (jjlauer)
    • ninja-servlet ninja/servlet/ split into ninja-core ninja/ and ninja-servlet ninja/servlet/
    • ninja-servlet ninja/servlet/ split into ninja-core ninja/utils/ and ninja-servlet ninja/servlet/
  • 2015-10-09 Refactoring of ninja-standalone to extract non-Jetty functionality into ninja-core to enable reuse in future non-Jetty standalone implementations. (jjlauer)
    • Much of the functionality in ninja-standalone ninja/standalone/ extracted to ninja-core ninja/standalone/
  • 2015-10-09 Standalone configuration properties can now be set in conf/application.conf Supports, ninja.port, ninja.context, and ninja.idle.timeout The order of precedence is systemProperty > configProperty > defaultValue (jjlauer)
  • 2015-10-09 New ‘ninja.standalone.class’ system property to control which concrete standalone implementation is used by NinjaTestServer (jjlauer)
  • 2015-10-09 ninja-maven-plugin support for ‘jvmArgs’ property to allow for any properties to be passed thru to spawned Ninja JVM. (jjlauer)
  • 2015-10-09 ninja-maven-plugin support for ‘mainClass’ property to override which class is run by spawned Ninja JVM.
  • 2015-10-09 ninja-maven-plugin deprecated ‘contextPath’ property in favor of new ‘context’ key to match what NinjaJetty has always used. (jjlauer)
  • 2015-10-09 NinjaJetty has more polished logging messages on startup (jjlauer)

Version 5.2.1

  • 2015-10-16 Context.getParameterFileItems() now returns Map<String, List<FileItem>> (jjlauer)

Version 5.2.0

  • 2015-08-17 Added gzip-enabled rollover appender examples to archetypes’ logback.xml files & minor doc typo fixes (metacity)
  • 2015-06-24 Injection of params and uploaded files from multipart requests (bazi, momiji)

Version 5.1.7

  • 2015-10-06 AuthenticityFilter uses Ninja interface not NinjaDefault class (jjlauer)
  • 2015-10-06 AuthenticityFilter logs filtered requests as warnings (jjlauer)
  • 2015-10-01 Fixed garbled snippets in diagnostics (mallowlabs)
  • 2015-09-25 Upgrade FreeMarker from 2.3.22 to 2.3.23 (khmarbaise)
  • 2015-09-28 Improved diagnostic mode w/ info about the context, request, and response (jjlauer)
  • 2015-09-28 Fixed NPE issue with cookies not being set in underlying servlet request (jjlauer)
  • 2015-09-28 NinjaDefault now logs exceptions in the debug level (jjlauer)

Version 5.1.6

  • 2015-09-17 Fixed bug in AssetsController that occurred in dev mode on some environments (ra).
  • 2015-08-23 Added charset to error html files (mallowlabs)
  • 2015-09-15 Fixed status code for forbidden results in diagnostic mode (jjlauer)
  • 2015-09-15 Added documentation for session configuration properties (jjlauer)

Version 5.1.5

  • 2015-08-09 Website documentation improvements (metacity)
  • 2015-07-28 Jackson will now use Woodstox as the StAX implementation (metacity)
  • 2015-07-22 Added support for Jackson’s JSON Views (metacity)
  • 2015-07-21 Added properties to override system views location (momiji).

Version 5.1.4

  • 2015-06-24 Flyway upgrade from 2.3.1 to 3.2.1 & fix documentation (danielsawan)
  • 2015-06-30 Fix for asset controller incompatibility with windows file system (BjoernAkAManf).
  • 2015-06-30 Improved tests in asset controller for serving webjars (ra).

Version 5.1.3

  • 2015-06-19 Fix for potential security issue. Under certain circumstances assets controller did stream content from arbitrary directories (Christian B. / ra).

Version 5.1.2

  • 2015-05-22 Removed outdated modules from documentation (svenkubiak)
  • 2015-05-20 #354 Fixed bug with reverse routing with multiple regex parameters (arystan)
  • 2015-05-16 Update to Guice 4.0 final (ra)
  • 2015-05-10 Replaced net.sf.ehcache.internal with net.sf.ehcache to fix #352 (ra)
  • 2015-05-08 Added NinjaException.getHttpStatus() (icoloma)
  • 2015-05-07 (PR #350) Added ninja.idle.timeout command line parameter for standalone mode (raptaml)

Version 5.1.1

  • 2015-03-31 Improved SuperDevMode (jjlauer)
  • 2015-03-29 Tiny fix for a test that did not work with summertime (ra)
  • 2015-03-27 Upgrade of external libraries to latest versions (ra)
  • 2015-03-26 Tiny documentation fixes (ra)
  • 2015-03-26 Upgrade archetypes / replace assembly with shade #341 (0xbaadf00d)

Version 5.1.0

  • 2015-03-25 Bump to Jetty 9.2.10.v20150310 (ra)
  • 2015-03-19 (PR #329) ninja-core supports new “Diagnostics” extension for DEV mode. See for more info (jjlauer)
  • 2015-03-16 (PR #333) ninja-standalone will System.exit on any startup exception (previously it only exited in some cases, kept running in failed state for others) (jjlauer)
  • 2015-03-16 (PR #333) ninja-standalone support for binding to specific host/address (e.g. (jjlauer)
  • 2015-03-16 (PR #333) ninja-standalone support for advanced/power-user jetty configuration(s) (e.g. -Dninja.jetty.configuration=jetty.xml,jetty-ssl.xml) (jjlauer)
  • 2015-03-16 (PR #333) ninja-standalone optimized to specifically handle Guice injector exception (most common startup error) - slightly cuts down on verbosity of failure logging (jjlauer)
  • 2015-03-15 Added support for collections and arrays for body parser engine (gabrielhora)
  • 2015-03-14 #320 Fixed bug in JSR 303 validation messages (Thibault Meyer)
  • 2015-03-07 Using context.getContextPath() as prefix in cookie path (jfendler/ra)
  • 2015-03-06 #327 Fixed bug that lead to failed authenticity check (svenkubiak)
  • 2015-03-04 Added session cookie encryption (bazi)
  • 2015-03-01 Bump to freemaker 2.3.22 (ra)
  • 2015-02-24 Organized imports on all projects, refactored deprecated calls (svenkubiak)

Version 4.0.6

  • 2015-02-27 Important security fix against leak in Jetty CVE-2015-2080
  • 2015-02-23 Full page template buffering for better error pages (PR #311) (t3hc13h)
  • 2015-02-19 AuthenticityToken support (SecureFilter, template enhancements) (svenkubiak)
  • 2015-02-12 #301 Fixed system specific line separator for String comparison (raptaml)
  • 2015-02-05 Added Support for JaxRoutes methods without own path (lukaseichler)
  • 2015-02-03 minor refactoring in JaxyRoutes init (lukaseichler)
  • 2015-02-03 Added method to add and unset a cookie from context (svenkubiak)
  • 2015-01-03 Added access to the freemarker configuration and default suffix (jlannoy)

Version 4.0.5

  • 2015-02-02 Added new module: Ninja Authentication (svenkubiak)
  • 2015-01-29 Closes potential resource leaks (svenkubiak)
  • 2015-01-26 Changed generic exception in postoffice to specific ones (svenkubiak)
  • 2015-01-20 Set correct versions in (svenkubiak)
  • 2015-01-20 Bumped versions in archetypes (svenkubiak)
  • 2015-01-20 Styled system pages for 404/403 in archetypes (svenkubiak)

Version 4.0.4

  • 2015-01-03 Bump to doctester 1.1.6 (sparkoo)

Version 4.0.3

  • 2014-12-30 Bump to doctester 1.1.5 (ra)
  • 2014-12-20 #266 Enhanced body parameter exception message (t3hc13h)
  • 2014-12-20 #263 (part 2) utf8 chars breaking integration tests on US Windows
  • 2014-12-14 #257 Add protocol to ninja.Context (chrsin)
  • 2014-12-14 #269 Fix name of import (fzakaria)
  • 2014-12-09 Removed default secret key from simple archetype (inkookim + ra)

Version 4.0.2

  • 2014-12-01 Improved jpa archetype (ra)

Version 4.0.1

  • 2014-11-27 Fix #261. message.getWithDefault(…) bug. (ra + 0xbaadf00d)

Version 4.0.0

  • 2014-10-28 Bumped versions in archetypes (svenkubiak)
  • 2014-10-27 Fixed issue #188. Excessive backslash escaping in path param regex (bazi)
  • 2014-10-26 Added error log when no suited BodyParserEngine was found(lukaseichler)
  • 2014-10-25 Organized imports on all projects (svenkubiak)
  • 2014-10-23 Updated libraries:
    • com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-core ………………. 2.4.1 -> 2.4.3
    • com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat:jackson-dataformat-xml … 2.4.1 -> 2.4.3
    • com.fasterxml.jackson.module:jackson-module-afterburner … 2.4.1 -> 2.4.3
    • ……………………………… 17.0 -> 18.0
    • ……………. 4.0-beta4 -> 4.0-beta5
    • com.h2database:h2 ………………………………….. 1.4.178 -> 1.4.182
    • net.sf.ehcache:ehcache ……………………………… 2.8.3 -> 2.8.5
    • net.spy:spymemcached ……………………………….. 2.11.3 -> 2.11.4
    • org.apache.commons:commons-email …………………….. 1.3.2 -> 1.3.3
    • org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-server ………………………. 9.2.1.v20140609 -> 9.2.3.v20140905
    • org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-servlet ……………………… 9.2.1.v20140609 -> 9.2.3.v20140905
  • 2014-10-20 Added ninja-jaxy-routes module, a JAX-RS style routes builder (gitblit)
  • 2014-10-16 Bump to Freemarker 2.3.21 (ra).
  • 2014-10-18 Added a Metrics module with reporters for Graphite, Ganglia, InfluxDB, and Librato (gitblit & ra)
  • 2014-10-10 Stability improvement for Jpa blog archetype - setup works now in a predictable manner for testcases ra).
  • 2014-10-09 Removed localized lookup in Freemarker templates. Not needed as Ninja does i18n already (ra).
  • 2014-10-07 Added support for multiple variable parts with regex in routes (bazi)
  • 2014-10-07 Added testcase for NinjaCache (ra)
  • 2014-10-06 Add optional hot-reload support for -Dninja.external.conf external configuration for all runtime modes if -Dninja.external.reload=true (gitblit)
  • 2014-10-06 Add automatic hot-reload support for application.conf in dev mode (gitblit)
  • 2014-10-06 Add automatic hot-reload support for language messages files in dev mode (gitblit)

Version 3.3.3

  • 2014-09-28 Bump to guice beta5 (ra).
  • 2014-09-26 Add support for ${prettyTime(date)} to FreeMarker integration for localized relative-date formatting like “2 days ago” (gitblit)
  • 2014-09-22 Add explicit text/plain template engine and deprecated Result.renderRaw(String). Results.text().render(myString) is the preferred syntax. (gitblit)
  • 2014-09-12 Add ServletContext to ContextImpl to improve 3rd-party integration (gitblit)
  • 2014-09-12 Log registered routes on startup (gitblit)
  • 2014-08-29 Added nicer error screens (ra)
  • 2014-08-29 Added fallbackContentType and supportedContentTypes to Result for better content negotiation (ra).
  • 2014-08-28 Added support for java.util.Date on BodyParserEnginePost. (pedro-stanaka)

Version 3.3.2

  • 2014-08-24 HibernatePersistence is deprecated. Use HibernatePersistenceProvider instead. (eiryu)
  • 2014-08-24 Fix mistake in the sample code (eiryu)
  • 2014-08-21 Added utility methods on Context for isRequestXml and isRequestJson. (dazhudson)
  • 2014-08-21 Fixed bug where getRequestPath would return null in async mode. (dazhudson)
  • 2014-08-21 Modified Context.getRemoteAddr() to honour the X-Forwarded-For header. (dazhudson)

Version 3.3.1

  • 2014-08-09 BugFix #185. Rollback of #157. UnitOfWork behavior fixed. (nobullet, cpisto, ra).
  • 2014-08-01 Implement proper 401 unauthorized support (gitblit)
  • 2014-08-01 Add an HTTP Basic Authentication filter and a UsernamePasswordValidator interface (gitblit)
  • 2014-08-01 Added type support for byte, char, short, enums, and arrays (gitblit)

Version 3.3.0

  • 2014-07-31 Improved conf.Ninja - better content negotiation based error handling (ra)
  • 2014-07-31 new ninja-async-machine-beta (darren,ra)
  • 2014-07-31 new ninja-annotation-router-beta (darren,ra)
  • 2014-07-22 Add Router.getRoutes() accessor (gitblit)
  • 2014-07-22 Throw IllegalStateException when a registered controller method does not exist (gitblit)
  • 2014-07-10 Added support for forbidden error to Ninja default results. (ra)
  • 2014-06-06 Fixed testcase that was flaky in GMT-5 timezones. (ra)
  • 2014-06-05 Fixed dependency problems with scope test and ninja-test-utilities (ra)

Version 3.2.0

  • 2014-06-22 Improved binding between slf4j and Freemarker
  • 2014-06-22 Updated libraries:
    • ch.qos.logback:logback-classic …………………… 1.1.1 -> 1.1.2
    • com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-core …………… 2.3.1 -> 2.4.1
    • com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat:jackson-dataformat-xml … 2.3.1 -> 2.4.1
    • com.fasterxml.jackson.module:jackson-module-afterburner …
    • ………………………….. 16.0.1 -> 17.0
    • ………. 3.0 -> 4.0-beta4
    • com.h2database:h2 …………………………… 1.3.175 -> 1.4.178
    • commons-fileupload:commons-fileupload ………………. 1.3 -> 1.3.1
    • net.sf.ehcache:ehcache ………………………….. 2.8.0 -> 2.8.3
    • net.spy:spymemcached ………………………….. 2.10.4 -> 2.11.3
    • org.apache.commons:commons-lang3 …………………. 3.2.1 -> 3.3.2
    • org.apache.httpcomponents:httpclient ……………… 4.3.2 -> 4.3.4
    • org.apache.httpcomponents:httpmime ……………….. 4.3.2 -> 4.3.4
    • org.doctester:doctester-core …………………….. 1.1.1 -> 1.1.3
    • org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-server …. 9.1.2.v20140210 -> 9.2.1.v20140609
    • org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-servlet … 9.1.2.v20140210 -> 9.2.1.v20140609
    • org.fluentlenium:fluentlenium-core ………………. 0.9.2 -> 0.10.2
    • org.hibernate:hibernate-c3p0 ………….. 4.3.1.Final -> 4.3.5.Final
    • org.hibernate:hibernate-entitymanager ….. 4.3.1.Final -> 4.3.5.Final
    • org.slf4j:jcl-over-slf4j ………………………… 1.7.6 -> 1.7.7
    • org.slf4j:log4j-over-slf4j ………………………. 1.7.6 -> 1.7.7
  • 2014-06-21 Fixed issue Test is now using date fixed to UTC at MessagesImplTest.
  • 2014-06-21 Replaced all javax.inject.Inject imports with That way JEE containers do not try to inject stuff into Ninja applications that run with Guice anyway. (ra)
  • 2014-06-21 i18n Freemarker engine now displays i18n keys when i18n values are missing. The behavior before was to throw an exception. Also added battery of tests. (ra)
  • 2014-06-03 Added getRemoteAddr() method which returns IP of the client (or last proxy) that sent the request to the context object. (Kokol)
  • 2014-06-21 Support for conf.Ninja. Makes it possible for user to customize request and error handling (ra).
  • 2014-06-10 Use SecureRandom instead of Random to generate the application secret. (metacity)

Version 3.1.6

  • 2014-06-09 Fixed a wrong variable when logging (metacity)
  • 2014-06-01 Enhanced security check for callback in JsonP (nobullet).
  • 2014-05-30 Fixed wrong Logger in ResultHandler. Changed javax @Inject to Guice @Inject to make Ninja more compatible with Weld.
  • 2014-05-21 Added created(Optional<String>) and unauthorized() methods to the Results class. (metacity)
  • 2014-05-19 Added port selection to SuperDevMode. (Naum/Buffer0verflow)

Version 3.1.5

  • 2014-05-08 Added getHostname() method to context as a wrapper to getting the Host header. (mattjonesorg)
  • 2014-05-08 Fixed issue #173. NinjaJetty was listening on two http ports. (ra)
  • 2014-04-27 Added possibility to define custom package for application module and routes (avarabyeu)
  • 2014-04-10 “username” of SecureFilter now static final and can be referenced from other modules in a typesafe way. (ra)
  • 2014-04-10 Support getInjector() on FluentLenium testcases (ra)
  • 2014-04-07 Logback is now only configured when on classpath. Allows to use jul logging on App Engine. (Nomi + ra)

Version 3.1.4

  • 2014-04-06 Fixed bug (#165) that caused that html template caching did not work properly. (Nomi + ra)
  • 2014-03-28 Added support for static Result.NO_HTTP_BODY. No need to create new() class all the time. (ra)

Version 3.1.3

  • 2014-03-22 Fixed build to work with JDK 8. (ra)
  • 2014-03-22 Fixed bug in archetype. Reordered modules, so that testing of archetypes works. (ra)
  • 2014-03-22 Removed error-prone again (not yet compatible with JDK 8) (ra)
  • 2014-03-14 Added error-prone bug checking to build lifecycle of Ninja. (ra)

Version 3.1.2

  • 2014-03-13 BugFix #157. @UnitOfWork did not work when nested with @Transactional or other @UnitOfWork annotations. (ra)
  • 2014-03-07 Now caching virtually infinite amount of template files in memory

Version 3.1.1

  • 2014-03-06 Fixed bug that prevented some applications running inside servlet container to start up properly. (ra).
  • 2014-03-06 Fixed potential multi threading issue upon application startup. method getInjector() method of GuiceInjector was not thread safe (ra).

Version 3.1.0

  • 2014-03-05 #155 Fixed glitch were Freemarker did not emit a proper 400 when template not found.
  • 2014-03-05 Fix so that ninjaProperties.getContextPath() and context.getContextPath() are always in sync. No matter what contextpath you supply via the command line and -Dninja.context= … (ra)
  • 2014-03-05 NinjaRunner that allows to auto inject resources into NinjaTests (smallufo)
  • 2014-03-05 #154 Some performance improvements for reverse routing. (ra)
  • 2014-03-04 Fixed bug where reverse routing was not properly working for routes with regex. (ra)
  • 2014-03-04 Added reverse routing to Freemarker templates via ${reverseRoute(…)}, ${assetsAt(…)}, ${webJarsAt(…)} (ra)
  • 2014-03-03 Added support for contextPath to NinjaProperties. That’s a better place than Context (context is only available in request). (ra)
  • 2014-03-03 Using a map no longer needed for generating parameterized reverse route. Now we can specify parameters via simple array. (ra)
  • 2014-03-03 RouterImpl.getReverseRoute() now prefixes the returned url with the context path if one is configured. (zz)

Version 3.0.3

  • 2014-02-26 Bugfix. Dependecy resolution for SuperDevMode was “compile” and not “runtime”. => Changed to “runtime” (zoran, ra)

Version 3.0.2

  • 2014-02-19 Bugfix #145. Shutdown hooks not executed in SuperDevMode and standalone mode. (ra)

Version 3.0.1

  • 2014-02-18 Bump to Jetty 9.1.2.v20140210 (ra)
  • 2014-02-18 Ninja now uses utf-8 for everything in a request. Otherwise e.g. post requests are encoded in a platform dependent way (mallowlabs)
  • 2014-02-17 Fixed possible glitch in the matrix: BodyParserEnginePost.invoke() may set Strings to unsupported fields (amsz, ra).
  • 2014-02-17 Added support for custom static asset location (sojin)
  • 2014-02-14 Proper handling of exceptions in controllers => now emitted as 400 - bad request by the framework. (ra)

Version 3.0.0

  • 2014-02-14 Added support for HEAD and arbitrary http methods in router (ra)
  • 2014-02-14 Added support for getting parameters and automatic conversion (getParameterAs in context) (amsz)
  • 2014-02-12 Adding support of ninja.context for SuperDevMode (nobullet)
  • 2014-02-11 Removed hibernate-jpa-2.0-api (already included by hibernate in version 2.1). (smallufo).
  • 2014-02-07 Added result support for route (amsz).
  • 2014-02-06 Added simple archetype to begin with (ninja-servlet-archetype-simple (ra).
  • 2014-02-06 Fixed bug where css was not included in servlet-jpa archetype. (ra).
  • 2014-02-06 Bump to slf4j 1.7.6 and logback 1.1.1 (ra).
  • 2014-02-05 Fool proof creation of archetypes without manual work (ra).
  • 2014-02-06 Primitive type field mapping for Post form parameters (metacity).
  • 2014-01-30 ninja-maven-plugin now no longer needs ninja-standalone in User’s pom.xml. (ra)
  • 2014-01-29 Bump to latest dependencies (ra).
    • com.devbliss.doctest:doctest …………………….. 0.6.5 -> 0.7.0
    • com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-core …………… 2.3.0 -> 2.3.1
    • com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat:jackson-dataformat-xml … 2.3.0 -> 2.3.1
    • com.fasterxml.jackson.module:jackson-module-afterburner … 2.3.0 -> 2.3.1
    • ……….. 3.0 -> 4.0-beta
    • com.googlecode.flyway:flyway-core ………………….. 2.2 -> 2.3.1
    • com.h2database:h2 …………………………… 1.3.172 -> 1.3.175
    • commons-codec:commons-codec …………………………. 1.8 -> 1.9
    • commons-configuration:commons-configuration ………….. 1.9 -> 1.10
    • javax.servlet:javax.servlet-api ………………….. 3.0.1 -> 3.1.0
    • joda-time:joda-time ………………………………… 2.2 -> 2.3
    • net.sf.ehcache:ehcache ………………………….. 2.7.4 -> 2.8.0
    • net.spy:spymemcached …………………………… 2.9.0 -> 2.10.4
    • org.apache.commons:commons-email …………………. 1.3.1 -> 1.3.2
    • org.apache.commons:commons-lang3 …………………… 3.1 -> 3.2.1
    • org.apache.httpcomponents:httpclient ……………… 4.2.1 -> 4.3.2
    • org.apache.httpcomponents:httpmime ……………….. 4.2.1 -> 4.3.2
    • org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-server …. 9.0.5.v20130815 -> 9.1.1.v20140108
    • org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-servlet … 9.0.5.v20130815 -> 9.1.1.v20140108
    • org.fluentlenium:fluentlenium-core ……………….. 0.9.1 -> 0.9.2
    • org.hibernate:hibernate-c3p0 ………….. 4.2.3.Final -> 4.3.1.Final
    • org.hibernate:hibernate-entitymanager ….. 4.2.3.Final -> 4.3.1.Final
    • org.webjars:tinymce-jquery ……………………… 3.4.9 -> 4.0.12
  • 2014-01-29 Bump to latest Guava 16.0 (ra)
  • 2013-01-28 XmlMapper now singleton configured in one place via a provider. (ra).
  • 2013-01-28 Added afterburner support to XmlMapper (ra).
  • 2014-01-28 Added support for custom regex in variable part of routes (ra).
  • 2014-01-27 Added support to serve arbitrary paths via AssetsController via serveStatic method (ra).
  • 2014-01-16 Removed deprecated (and slow) option to access i18n messages in freemarker templates directly via ${messagekey}. This was replaced by by ${i18n(“messageKey”)} a long time ago (ra).
  • 2014-01-14 Renaming SessionCookie => Session and FlashCookie => FlashScope (ra)

Version 2.5.1

  • 2014-01-08 Setting of hibernate properties no longer on System.setProperty level, but locally. (ra).
  • 2014-01-08 Added @UnitOfWork annotation for fast readonly database access (ra).

Version 2.5.0

  • 2014-01-07 Security fix. Html templates did not escape apostrophes properly (’). (ra)
  • 2013-12-22 Added Maven 3.1.0 as requirement for ninja-maven-plugin (ra)
  • 2013-12-19 ObjectMapperProvider now a singleton (it is threadsafe) (ra)

Version 2.4.0

  • 2013-12-02 Session/cookie sharing between subdomains. (linx56)
  • 2013-12-05 Fix + test in maven plugin. Assets directory was not ignored / regex wrong. (ra)
  • 2013-12-05 Fixed wrong hamcrest imports (junit imports hamcrest 1.3, mockito by default imports hamcrest 1.1). JUnit now always above mockito in pom.xml - therefore hamcrest 1.3 takes precedence over hamcrest 1.1 (ra)
  • 2013-12-13 Bugfix in session implementation. Authenticity token and ID not sent under some circumstances. (ra)
  • 2013-12-13 Ninja now uses “ninja.mode=prod” by default (and no longer dev). Many users complained that it is quite strange to configure the prod mode when running Ninja as war inside a servlet container. These problems are now gone. (ra)
  • 2013-12-14 Json Jackson mapper now uses Afterburner by default for reading / writing Json Pojos (Also valid for rendering JsonP). This should improve Json performance a lot. (ra)
  • 2013-12-14 Fixed a performance bug where output streams / outputwriters were not properly closed. This affected the performance of rendering raw Strings and raw byte arrays. (ra)
  • 2013-12-14 NinjaDocTester added ability to getInjector and get arbitrary guice objects inside Test classes. (ra)
  • 2013-12-14 Added Results.text() as helper to render plain text (ra)
  • 2013-12-14 Fixed getInjector() behavior of NinjaServletListener. Multiple calling of getInjector() caused the generation of multiple Ninja instances what is wrong. (ra)
  • 2013-12-14 Streamlined test-utilities. Now all Ninja*Tests start a new Ninja server before each test. (NinjaDocTester for instance started Ninja before each class. That was inconsistent) (ra).
  • 2013-12-14 Bump to org.doctester 1.1.1 and fluentlenium 0.9.1 (ra).
  • 2013-12-15 Fixed bug in result.renderRaw(). Used outputStream to render strings, will lead to problems with utf-8 characters.

Version 2.3.0

  • 2013-11-14 Tiny fix for sometimes flaky testcase. Added a flush to setup step. (ra)
  • 2013-11-21 Added support for DocTester based tests. (ra)
  • 2013-11-21 Working version of ninja-maven-plugin. Hot reload for Ninja without PermGen errors. (ra)
  • 2013-11-28 Changed naming convention for i18n files from to This allows IntelliJ, Netbeans to recognize those files as translateable and provide i18n editors. (amsz, ra)
  • 2013-11-29 Fixed potential bug in i18n module. Locale was not set when parsing locale sensitive special MessageFormat patterns like {0, date} (ra)

Version 2.2.0

  • 2013-11-05 New NinjaDaoTestBase class to facilitate test your DAOs with a real database (emiguelt)
  • 2013-11-06 Set general log level of archetypes and integration tests to “info” (ra)
  • 2013-11-08 Access to application injector from NinjaTest (paweld2)
  • 2013-11-13 Dependencies and plugin versions now centrally managed in parent pom.xml (ra)
  • 2013-11-13 Bump to ehcache 2.7.4 / Fixes dependency problem with terracotta (ra)

Version 2.1.0

Version 2.0.1

  • 2013-09-27 Removed bogus System.setProperty(test…) in (ra)
  • 2013-09-27 Some documentation fixes (ra)
  • 2013-09-27 ninja-core changed from junit-dep (deprecated) to junit archetypeid (ra)
  • 2013-09-28 Added log4j-over-slf4j - Needed for EhCache which logs via log4j by default. (ra)
  • 2013-09-30 Possibility to change context path for standalone mode (an)

Version 2.0.0

  • 2013-08-16 Improved Json and Xml rendering / Switch from Gson to Jackson. (ra)
  • 2013-08-25 Added facility to render simple strings to the outputstream without invoking templating engine. (sojin, ra)
  • 2013-08-28 Guice injector now started in mode production by default. In that course also fixed some hidden problems with JPA shutdown and eh cache registration (samliard, ra)
  • 2013-08-28 Bump to latest javax.el interfaces and implementation (needed for validation) (ra)
  • 2013-08-29 Rollback of hibernate-validation to 4.3.1.Final - because version 5.0.1.Final not compatible with GAE (ra)
  • 2013-09-01 Bugfix - static assets should not handle any flash or session scopes (Sojin, ra).
  • 2013-09-02 Bump to jetty 9 for testing and running of applications (ra).
  • 2013-09-02 AssetsController now supports to include webjars aka META-INF/resources folders (ra).
  • 2013-09-05 Bump to 1.3.0 of fluido in site (ra).
  • 2013-09-12 Added to prevent bugs at compile time. (ra)
  • 2013-09-12 Now using module.setDefaultUseWrapper(false); in xml rednering (see also (ra)
  • 2013-09-13 Improved documentation (testing, controller) (ra)
  • 2013-09-14 Added blog integration test to JPA (ra)
  • 2013-09-14 New default JPA blog archetype (ra)
  • 2013-09-16 Multiple fixes for maven archetype (ra)
  • 2013-09-17 Fixed misnamed logging configuration files (logging.xml => logback.xml) (ra)

Version 1.6.0

  • 2013-07-17 JPA support went into ninja-core (ra)
  • 2013-07-17 Added a JPA demo acting as integration test and an archetype for JPA (ra)
  • 2013-07-26 Added Flyway integration (database migration tool) (ra)
  • 2013-07-28 Bugfix for template loading in dev mode (modules’ templates not loaded) (ra)
  • 2013-07-30 Changed accesses of the flash cookie from underscore syntax into “.” syntax. This is now much more consistent with the general way we access stuff inside any ftl.html file. (ra)
  • 2013-07-30 Direct streaming from assets folder without jetty reload in dev mode. Cool for developing js apps inside the assets folder. (ra)
  • 2013-08-05 Fixed bug in OPTION method of routes. (ra)
  • 2013-08-06 Switch to logback - exlusion of commons-logging in pom (ra)
  • 2013-08-06 Important security fix imported from Play: (ra)
  • 2013-08-08 Added default logging.xml config and enforcer plugin to make sure we do have commons logging on the classpath (ra)
  • 2013-08-08 Added .gitignore to archetypes (demo and jpa) (ra)

Version 1.5.1

  • 2013-07-15 Support for skipping rendering of HttpBody via NoHttpBody class (useful in redirects eg) (makotan, pthum, ra)
  • 2013-07-16 Support to show the user of Ninja the version of the framework. Embedded in the splash screen (Ninja logo) at the beginning. (ra)
  • 2013-07-17 Ninja now logs the mode in which the framework runs currently. (ra)

Version 1.5

  • bump to devbliss.doctest 0.6.5 (ra)
  • free marker templates changes no longer cause ninja restart (makotan)
  • freemarker templates performance optimizations (ra)
  • some improvements to harden thread-safe behavior of ninja (ra)
  • Pinned ninja-core-archetype to java 1.7 (ra)
  • Fixed a bug in TestServer that caused context not to shut down properly (ra)
  • Added Cache implementation (EhCache and Memcache) (ra)
  • Added support for injecting HttpServletRequest and HttpServletResponse into controller method (ra, Tristan)
  • Bump to latest libraries (hibernate-validator 5.0.1) (ra)
  • Ninja now uses Java 1.7 (ra)

Version 1.4.4

  • Added possibility to get the contextpath in templates (pthum)
  • Fixed bug when translating flash scope i18n (pthum, ra)
  • Added better i18n facilities to html tempting (ra)
  • Added possibility to get the contextpath in templates (pthum)
  • Added reverse routing facilities (ra)
  • Extended reverse routing facilities with support for query parameters (ra)
  • Added support for a more much more convenient use of Result.render(…) (pthum, ra)

Version 1.4.3

  • Added an easy way to access the Session-Cookie-Values in every template (pthum)
  • Added support for creation of application.secret (ra)
  • Added security guide covering sessions (ra)
  • Fixed bug in ninja-core-archetype (ra)

Version 1.4.2

Version 1.4.1

  • Archetype wrongly referenced a snapshot version (seratch)

Version 1.4

  • Libraries of ninja-core updated to latest versions
  • Added Optional (guava) support to Messages and Lang
  • Added modules documentation page (ra).
  • Replaced potentially harmful SimpleDateFormatter with JodaTime. SDF is not thread safe… (ra)
  • Better printing of numbers in Freemarker Templating Engine (See also:
  • Better error handling for templating exceptions (ra)
  • Brand new maven archetype ninja-core-demo-archetype for really simple project generation… (ra)

Version 1.3

  • Added attributes to Context, updated Request scope documentation (tbroyer)
  • Headers can be multivalued, added getParameterValues for multivalued parameters (tbroyer)
  • Docs: Added documentation for WrappedContext / ArgumentMatchers aka Request scope (ra)
  • Docs: Added twitter account (ra)
  • Separation of servlet support (module ninja-servlet) from main ninja framework (tbroyer)
  • replaced default freemarker templating engine with freemarker-gae for appengine compatibility (ra)

Version 1.2.1

  • Fix for byte[] get a forced octet stream when content type is already explicitly set (qubic)
  • tiny fix typos in servlet bridge documentation (ra)
  • bugfix => TestServer in NinjaTest was in wrong mode by default (ra)

Version 1.2

  • Fixes in Validation (phil)
  • Validation for controller parameter fields as well as validation for injected beans (phil)
  • Servlet-Ninja bridge - support for loading Servlet Filters and Servlets using ServletModule (zoza)
  • Cleaner cookie handling (removed dependencies servlet cookies) (ra)
  • Support for force-setting default language via NINJA_LANG cookie (ra)
  • Messages stuff moved from Lang to Message (ra)
  • ETag and http-cache header support for static assets (AssetsController) (ra).
  • Context now supports getMethod function to know the http request method from the context (ra).

Version 1.1

  • Bugfix: explicitly set content type of result keeps untouched by ResultHandler now (roughy/henning)
  • Added HttpOnly option for the session cookie (roughy)
  • Added support for simple parsing of post forms (aka application/x-www-form-urlencoded) (zoza)
  • Added support for simple rendering of objects in html templates (reyez)

Version 1.0.8

Version 1.0.7

  • Support XML payload parsing on Content-Type: application/xml
  • Fix for multiple values in request “Accept-Language” header

Version 1.0.6

Version 1.0.5

  • Fix possible NPE in field validation of controller methods.

Version 1.0.4

  • Bump to Gson 2.2.2
  • Fixed encoding issue in TestBrowser that showed up on some English macs

Version 1.0.3

  • Added better sending of Json payload to NinjaTestBrowser
  • Utf-8 now default character set when client does not specify correct Content-type
  • Added tests to context
  • Fixed bug where incoming payload was not parsed by correct bodyParser

Version 1.0.2

  • cleanup with develop and master => now only develop active
  • added missing license headers
  • fixed some spelling errors

Version 1.0.1

  • 2012-09-05 Better default http cache-control header handling (no-caching by default).
  • 2012-08-27 Support for better testing whether routes are handled by framework (NinjaRoutesTest).